Wednesday, October 19, 2016

Never Leaving: Palm Springs Edition [Part II]

Did you catch my first Palm Springs post here? If not, first thing's first. Immediately stop what you are doing (well, maybe not exactly) and read it here first.  OK, Phew! Now that you are all caught up we can proceed with some classic bachelorette party relaxing-by-the-pool photos.  Let me start with a disclaimer: Reading any further may cause a condition called FOMO [fear of missing out]. Read at your own risk.

Our new jobs: Lounging poolside, like a boss. #slay

Basically, everyone fell off the swan but me [by some miracle]. So at the end of the weekend, it was Derek [swan's name] - 4 Kim - 1. So I guess Megan did share the swan, after all.  

In other news, if you can believe it, I did not pose for the photo below, I was already in that position when the photo was taken. Not to brag, but I guess I know a few things about lounging, pool side. 

I went for a quick drive around a few other 'hoods to check out some famous Palm Springs houses. Let me say, I was so surprised how deserted the neighborhoods were. I know it's October and all, but the weather was pretty perfect except for a bit of wind storms.

Tip (or #lifehack): If you are renting a house, get the pool heated. Even if it's 90+ degrees. Just trust me on this one. Mmm k? 

The infamous #pinkdoor house was all that I imagined it would be + more!

As you can probably tell, we just had the best time in Palm Springs and cannot wait to go back. I *may* have booked a weekend getaway there next month for my birthday. 

...and of course we left with a lifetime of memories. Palm Springs, I miss you everyday! Too much, too soon? 


Thursday, October 13, 2016

Never Leaving: Palm Springs Edition [Part I]

Have you ever traveled to a place where you seriously looked around, did a double take and said to yourself, "I could live here. No, really, I think I could actually live here"? This feeling has only happened to me a few times in my life. Charleston, Turks + Caicos,  New York City...

Enter: Palm Springs.

I have been hearing about this vacation destination for probably 10+ years but I never had the pleasure to visit until we recently threw a bachelorette party for one of my besties there.  Side note: can I please have a do-over for my bachelorette party? I mean, Vancouver BC is fun and all but.... Palm Trees. Our very own Pool. Flower crowns. Penis Pasta... the list goes on and on.  

My parents are from a tiny town in Michigan. Back in the mid-late 80's they went on their honeymoon to Hawaii where my uncle was living. I've heard this story many times, but my uncle said something about living in Hawaii and my mom casually said, "This is a nice place to visit, but I could never live here". Fast forward a few years and they moved to Hawaii. They have been there ever since (nearly 25 years).

Where do I start? Even though we were only in town from Friday - Monday, I honestly did not want to leave. We stayed at a gorgeous AirBNB complete with our own pool and a few floaties -- don't worry, we brought the swan and the pizza, among other things. For the most part, we didn't leave the house much, why would we even have to? I ventured out to check out the #pinkdoor house, drove around a few other 'hoods and was mostly just in plain awe with the sight of the mountains just beyond the next stop light. The architecture is on a whole 'nuther level. I mentioned in a previous post that I was more of a strictly ultra modern girl than a midcentury modern girl. Let me back up and say that living in our mid-century modern home in Long Beach has given me a whole new appreciation for mid-century modern architecture and I am officially obsessed.  When we used to live in Seattle, we would drive around and look at these boxy, modern homes, dreaming to own one someday. Living in Socal, those homes are a little further out of our reach (insert money with wings emoji) these days. So the mid-century option seems more appealing and albeit, affordable.

Anyway, I digress... back to the weekend. What did we do, you ask?  Drink (only a little), eat, sleep in until 7:30 am (#thisis30), stay up until almost midnight (OK, a few people stayed up past midnight), hot tub it up, pool it up, make flower crowns which turned out so amazing (I am so proud of us!), learn how to use shared photos for iPhones, took 1,237 photos including 35 videos, learned how to turn on/ignite a BBQ (just me?), inflate YAY balloons (harder than it looks), broke a single martini glass, made an epic trip to Target (in under an hour no less), talked #lifehacks, made frose  (how do I get the thingy over the e?!?) from scratch (so many steps, but so good!), learned about a bunch of new instagram filters (go check yours!), got special hats and tanks made, ate penis pasta for dinner (yes, it was as good as it sounds), burnt some bacon, took turns riding the swan (except for Megan), became a #wolfpack, went to Harry Potter World (that is a discussion for another day), and I think that about covers it. I'll spare you the gory details. Basically, it was one of the best trips I've ever taken, in my life (not exaggerating). For real, though.

Bottom Line: Don't be surprised if Jake and I end up in Palm Springs someday. Don't say I didn't warn you... and stay tuned for more Palm Spring photos. I'll share another round next week.

